Friday, 15 March 2013

Research Into Similar Media Texts: Children Of Men

Children Of Men is a thriller film which is set in the future, 2027.
  • The future is represented as being very dull as all of the colours are dark greys and black, the lighting is very dark. You can tell that it is set in London as you see the big red buses and the signs on the shops. It also represents the city as very polluted as the vehicles have thick grey smoke coming out of them. The city is very dirty with rubbish everywhere. Overall the city has been shown in a negative way.
  • We firstly see the main protagonist, we understand this as he is the main focus of the whole opening scene. He is shown putting alcohol in his coffee so we are not sure if he is a is a hero or a villian. When the explosion goes off he is not shown to go and help anybody. His appearance is quite scruffy and dirty so the audience do not see him as a hero.
  • The lighting is very natural and it gives a cold effect. It helps give a more realistic feel to the opening scene.
  • The camera shots which have been used mainly being a high angle shot, then a low angle shot. Following this is a continuous shot following the main protagonist. The continuous shot allows the audience to view the setting of where it is set in one go instead of different shots. The shaky camera effect that has been included is making the sequence more realistic when the bomb goes off. Which also makes you think of someone running.
  • The sound of the opening scene is the voice of a news reader's voice which is very serious. There is no music to start but music is gradually added, which is very touching music. This is done to match the mood of what is happening in the shot and to give the audience a feel of how people in the scene are feeling. As the camera moves out we start to hear the sound of the city, which is mostly cars and people talking.

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