Sunday, 17 February 2013


In this lesson we all showed our opening sequences to everybody else and got their feedback on it. Personally i found this very helpful as it helped our group to see if people would enjoy it, and anything we needed to change about it, here is the feedback from other groups:

Finished Behind the Scenes Video!

Here is our finished behind the scenes video, we luckily managed to upload it to YouTube just before the robbery so we didn't lose it. Personally I believe that our video is good as it seems fun and energetic and hopefully everyone else will feel the same!
Here it is: 

Group Discussion 4/12/13

I am posting some group discussions from previous dates as I have not yet put these on the blog. In today's lesson Me, Kiah and Rianna looked at a choice of different songs to have in the background of our behind the scenes video. We came to an agreement of using Azealia Banks - 212, we chose this song as it is a new song that a lot of our target audience might listen to. It is also very upbeat so anyone who hasn't heard it before will already know what sort of music it is and that it suits our behind the scenes video well.

Planning - Script and Synopsis

We were told at the beginning of filming that using speech in our opening sequence would make things trickier as you would have to make sure the speaking was correctly positioned with the visuals, therefore we decided to only use one line for one of the characters, and nothing for the other character. Throughout the day we decided it would be easier if we didn't have any speaking and it also looked better without speaking. Here is a picture of our script and synopsis:

Planning - Shooting Schedule

In order for our day to go smoothly, and make sure that we didn't run out of time or get confused we put together a shooting schedule. On the actual filming day we managed to stick to this schedule throughout, apart from some bits where we had to change bits around to make it easier for ourselves and to help make sure we didn't waste any time in the day. Here are the copies of our original shooting schedule:

Planning - Risk Assessment

Before we filmed our opening sequences we had to look out for anything that could go wrong, and therefore if we knew what could go wrong, we could stop it.
This is a list of the risks that we may have faced:

1. Burning our hands whilst using the lights as they may get hot quickly.
2. Making sure that we didn't drop the camera as it is worth a lot of money.
3. Being careful not to trip over any of the wires.
4. Not to eat or drink near any of the equipment.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Group discussion - 11/2/13

Today when we got into school we found out that all of our mac computers had been stolen, this meant that all of our coursework and our finished opening sequence had been lost. It was a terribly unfortunate day but luckily the head phones had not been stolen. We now have to start our opening sequence again from the beginning. We hope that we can make out sequence as good as it was before. If anyone can report 17 stolen macs please get in contact.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Group discussions - 4/2/13

In today's lesson we worked on the behind the scenes video, we looked for some music to put in the background and took some more photos to add to the video.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

The Filming Day Photos

Second Week of Editing

We have progressed a lot in the second week. We managed to explore some of the effects on Final Cut and we used a YouTube tutorial to help us do so. We have changed two of the clips into black and white and put a CCTV effect on to help viewers understand our sequence and give it a bit of difference to most film openings. Everything is going good and we have also started to look at music that we could use for our Behind the Scenes Video.

First Week of Editing

In the first week we had to spend a lot of time uploading all the clips and renaming them so we could work with them easier. We then separated our behind the scenes clips, our outtakes, and our actual movie clips. We then started to put the clips together where we increased our skills using final cut as we had to cut some clips and lower or higher the sound in some clips. So far our sequence is going good and there hasn't been any big problems.

Group Discussion - 31/1/13

In this lesson, Me, Kiah and Rianna had a look at the software Livetype and attempted to create the titles for our opening sequence. It helped us get used to the programme so when we are making the real titles it will be easier for us. We also came up with the name of our film, which would be called 'Abduction'. At the end of the lesson we showed our progress to three other students and they said they enjoyed it and understood the sequence well.